ABC Powder Type (Stored Pressure) Fire Extinguisher 4Kg, 6KG. Capacity ISI Mark IS 15683 operating temperature (-0) ºC to (+55) ºC and Fire Rating 2A & 21B type of fire filled with MAP Powder Complete in all respect & 'A', 'B' & 'C' class fires - inflammable liquids, gaseous fires like L.P.G. and acetylene, and electrical fires... VOILA ABC powder-based fire extinguishers are the most widely used fire extinguishers, filled with MAP (mono ammonium phosphate) dry powder, Suitable for all types of the fire i.e. A B C and electrically started fire effectively extinguish by interrupting the chemical reaction of a fire triangle. Suitable for all -Home/Office/Car/Commercial/Residential Building Purpose. The Voila 4kg powder agent fire extinguishers will ensure that you are fully equipped to fight any type of fire if there should be one.
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